

We can enable each's itself to do its cause.
Korea, Republic o 김영현YHK 0 631 2011-12-10 21:42:20

To whom may concern of "NKD",

 As one of all world innocents, this disinterested world innocent on those behalf has no choice but to urge North Korea regime(who had have been being the persons concerned, such as letting itself instigate crimes against humanity, and having itself plot their continuous provocative acts, and also, putting themselves on conspiring to overthrow South Korea) to treat "our", "your", this unworthly world one's poor friends/colleagues/cronies, that is, 200.000's north korean political prisoners, humanely, and to release those all from the world's infamous prison camps without any strings attached. 

 This weak/humble and uneducated/ordinary world innocent will consider the 3 Kims' dynastic military regime a most vicious military regime in which long tarnished by corruption + extrajudicial judgements + subhumane killing acts or indiscriminate slaughter + the innumerable accumulation of capital and slush/secret fund overseas + the enormous concealment of stolen goods and property at their secret places + the unprecedented hereditary power transfer of three generations of the Kim's family + their fierest quarrels of military regime, . . ., and so on, is going on and committing from the past to today's this moment, 2011. As it were, the worst's communist regime, North Korea isn't like in nations long tarnished by corruption, bringing a lot of corruptive officals to justice, may go a long way towards cleaning up the systems and restoring to the public's sense of their national pride. So, this disinterested world one demands all world people's international society's stricter sanctions isolate the puppet military regime, where a dictator + all his sycophants are under the dominion of, since a small number of conscious north koreans has challenge this order or the cruel military regime, but they("our" and my world freedom fighters) fail to put a dent on the already-established those military regime. Needless to say, all world innocents must help those all change the military regime, and put together to support or back their strenuous efforts to freedom and democracy of this era needed to be done, and also, oblige to let the military regime make answerable for their countless number of crimes against humanity.

 Wrapping up this plain english passages, this unworthly and uneducated world one will make an introduction of those of you + all visitors to following's edifying remarks it was quoted by a innocent earthman "like" We must do away with boundaries of nations and unify the world, do away with boundaries of class and make all people equal, do away with boundaries of race and render all races the same, do away with boundaries of sex and protect individual independence, . . ., do away with boundaries of suffering to hold universal harmony." In addition to itself, unless the brutal military regime expunge their unpardonable atrocities against "our", my world innocent human beings, 200.000's north korean political prisoners, those all will pay a much higher price as this world innocent already has warned that those puppet military regime mustn't look down on and regard my world friends/colleagues as their slaveries.

 Always attend your precious health and wishes all of you all the best! Good luck!


                                                              2011. 12. 10. in downtown Seoul

                                                           World Innocent/one(Younghyun Kim)  



좋아하는 회원 : 0

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  • 사과밭 ip1 2011-12-10 22:36:34
    영어가 많이 어렵군요...
    번역 도 같이 해주면 좋겠네요^^
    좋아요 한 회원 0 좋아요 답변
  • 앵글리쉬 ip2 2011-12-11 13:44:19
    꼬브랑글 회화는 안되지만 쓰기는 된다는걸 여기와서 자랑하냐?
    여기는 대한민국이고. 우리는 한글을 쓰는 국민들이다.
    얼씬하지 말아.
    노린내 몰몰나는 국적불분명한 거지발싸개야.
    좋아요 한 회원 0 좋아요 답변 삭제
  • 표현자유 ip3 2011-12-13 00:44:45
    영작 실력이 뛰어나신 분 같지는 않습니다.
    좋아요 한 회원 0 좋아요 답변 삭제
  • 구글변역 ip4 2011-12-13 00:56:33
    우리는 각각 자체의 원인을 할 수있어 설정할 수 있습니다.

    "NKD"의 관계자 분께,

    모든 세계 무고한 사람 중 하나, 그 대신에 죄없는이 흥미 세계는 북한 정권 (누가되고있다했다 촉구하는 수밖에없는 등 그 자체가 인류에 대한 범죄를 선동시키는, 그리고 그 자체가 지속적인 도??발 행위를 계획하는 것과 관련된 사람, , 또한, 치료) 한국을 전복 음모에 자신을 가하고 것은 "우리", "당신"이 unworthly 세계 하나 가난한 친구 / 동료 /능한 하수인, 200.000의 북쪽 한국어 정치범 편안하게, 그리고 릴리스 어떤 문자열없이 세계의 악명 높은 포로 수용소에서 모든 첨부.

    무고한 사람이 약한 / 겸손과 무학 (无 ?) / 일반 세계 3 Kims '왕조 군사 정권 장기 손상에 의해 tarnished하는 + extrajudicial는 판단 + subhumane 죽이는 행위 또는 무차별 학살 + 자본과 윤활유 / 비밀의 수많은 축적을 가장 악랄한 군사 정권 고려할 것입니다 해외 펀드 + 자신의 비밀 장소에서 도난 제품과 재산의 거대한 은폐 + 김의 가족 삼대 + 군사 정권들의 fierest 싸움의 전례없는 유전적인 전력 전송. . ., 등등에 가서 과거로부터 오늘 커밋 것은 2011 년 지금이 순간이야. 말하자면,있는 최악의 공산주의 정권, 북한 정의 corruptive officals을 많이 데리고 긴 부패에 의해 tarnished 국가처럼 아니라, 시스템을 청소하고 국가의 공공의 이해에 복원을 향해 먼 길을 갈 수 있습니다 자부심. 그래서,이 흥미 세상 하나는 모든 세계의 사람들이 국제 사회의 엄격한 제재가 꼭두각시 군사 정권을 분리 요구 어디서 독재자 + 의식 북한의 작은 숫자가이 순서대로 또는 잔인한 군사 정권에 도전을 가지고 이후 그의 모든 아첨 꾼들 살인은의 영토 미만 하지만, ( "우리"와 나의 세계 자유의 전사)는 이미 설립된 그 군사 정권에 구멍을 내버릴에 실패합니다. 말할 필요도없이, 모든 세계 무고한 이러한 모든 변경 군사 정권을 도와, 그리고 할 필요이 시대의 자유와 민주주의 그들의 분투 노력을 지원 또는 다시 함께 넣어, 또한, 군사 정권을 알려주도록 강요를 위해 책임을해야합니다 반인륜 범죄 혐의로 그들의 무수한 숫자.

    이 일반 영어 구절을 포장이 unworthly와 무교 육의 세계 하나는 분들 + 다음의 edifying 발언에 모든?? 방문자가 우리 민족의 경계를 타파하고 세계를 통합해야합니다 "와 같은"죄없는 지구인에 의해 인용되었다의 소개하겠습니다 , 클래스의 경계를 타파하고 모든 사람들이 평등하게, 인종의 경계를 타파하고, 같은 성별의 경계를 타파하고 보호 각 독립을 모든 인종을 렌더링합니다. . ., 보편적인 조화를 잡아 고통의 경계와 거리 않는다 "고 말했다. 자체뿐만 아니라, 잔인한 군사 정권에 대한 자신의 용서할 수없는 악행을 없애줄하지 않는 한"우리 "내 세계 무고한 인간, 200.000의 북쪽 한국어 정치범, 그 모든 것입니다 죄없는이 세상은 이미 그 꼭두각시 군사 정권이 아래로보고 그들의 slaveries로서의 세계의 친구 / 동료 관계해서는 안되는 경고했다로 훨씬 높은 가격을 지불합니다.

    항상 여러분의 소중한 건강을 참석하고 모두에게 최선을 기원! 행운을 빕니다!
    좋아요 한 회원 0 좋아요 답변 삭제
  • 교포청년 ip5 2011-12-13 02:41:06
    영어를 그냥 나열했는데, grammar도 이상하고, context도 이상하고 ...
    한국에 사시는 분인 것 같은데 그냥 한국어로 쓰시죠, 영어롸이링연습은 다른 facebook이나 yahoo.com에서 하시죠. 아마 많은 분들이 correction을 주실테니 도움 많이 받으실 수 있을 겁니다.
    좋아요 한 회원 0 좋아요 답변 삭제
  • 김영현 ip6 2011-12-13 23:43:54
    This disinterested world innocent has no choice but to blame those all (who are
    always trying to post their vicious comments/messages to internet articles and also,
    intending to tease/harass a small number of well-meant internet users via their
    private-owned smart phones + notebooks + a lot of internet open sites) for their
    reckless behaviors. Those irrational deeds/behaviors via its open wireless
    communicationakl devices had been rampant and it causes a countless of social
    and national matters could be out of control. So, the most of nations around the
    globe is now taking a strong measure or slating to or being poised to punish the
    persons concerns related to internet bullyings, severely and let their people know
    that the seriousnesses of internet bullyings are a heavily much more worsening than
    the past did or being having the foggiest ideas what to do to sort it out since they
    have been remaining idly and had been dealing with a countless number of the
    senseless dummies with generosity.

    As you know, all those morons via opended internet sites often told "like" it must
    guarantee freedom of expression + anonymity under their unfavorable non-sequiturs-contained-to-the unacceptable advocates could never be justified under any
    circumstances and by any excuse/reason or any pretext. It now makes a
    community through a wireless communicational vehicles/devices be at a loss as to what to do. And also, their governemnts were forcing itself to treat those all with
    liberalism, whom are making advantage of anonymity and secrecy via internet sites so that they can aim/intend to tease/harass a small number of goodwill's users/

    This ordinary and disinterested world one/innocent can't choose but ask your South
    Korea like "till when or how long/soon will he/she look on with folded arms to get the
    seriousness of internet bullying a fittable solution and let those irrational morons put
    a lot of dummies to prison + also, have those all's reckless behaviors be deserved to
    be denounced?" May this world innocent venture to ask its precious/noble opinion?
    In conclusion, this world innocent would like to tell the senseless dummies like "you
    all should know the fact that this world one/innocent can speak its second languge
    well available/eligible not to contravene the rules of the English grammar and
    already came to know the how to make use of a proper useage of English context
    and grammar(since this uneducated world innocent has loved to learn the
    transformational generaive grammar and syntax/semantics/all the ologies of "our", my English Linguistics since he had been forced itself to be taught itself so much
    about the Minimalist Program from a world top-classified university-educated Prof. in
    so many different ways within a Seoul-situationed graduate school.) Don't worry
    about it. If you all keep on to criticize it(which intends to make it out, easily), never
    will your health get itself well/better or itself a lot of stresses. Good luck!
    좋아요 한 회원 0 좋아요 답변 삭제
  • ㅋㅋ ip7 2011-12-15 10:42:05
    Mr YHK.
    Are yoe madman?
    좋아요 한 회원 0 좋아요 답변 삭제
  • 김영현 ip8 2011-12-15 19:42:07
    To ㅋ ㅋ,
    This unworthly and uneducated world innocent thanks for giving youself trouble,
    who made its strenuous efforts to post its same precious message(like "madman")
    on this all defectors' hopeful torch of/for freedom and democracy, their public site.
    Anyway your short message was given to this world innocent "like" it demands him
    to have itself pin its hopes on an enlightened internet user/blogger's omipresent-held
    english words(it intends to mock itself). If this world innocent were a good leader of
    this solitary korean peninsula, he/this world one would call on your korean society
    to have him/her wear a decoration at this critical moment that South Korea's internet
    bullyings are putting its korean society on waiting and see how things turn out.

    Above all, your confused korean society must seek a clean campaign of disturbing
    its right settlement of culture to be entiled to or be supposed to within their time.
    Because it is harder to get itself believed/trusted than to mock someone else. Good
    좋아요 한 회원 0 좋아요 답변 삭제
  • ㅋㅋㅋ ip9 2011-12-17 01:01:47
    Hello. Yh K.
    Are yor a blac monkey?
    좋아요 한 회원 0 좋아요 답변 삭제
  • 재수넘아 ip10 2011-12-22 07:05:01
    김영현 이 개자식아 여기가 어디 아메리카냐?
    대한국민이 한글로 글을 써대야지 미친 개새여
    김상현이란자와 똑 같네
    욕할때만 영어로 해대더만
    좋아요 한 회원 0 좋아요 답변 삭제
  • 개영현 ip5 2011-12-22 07:10:15
    ???? ?????? ???? ???? ?????? ??? ???? [[???]] [??] ?????? ??.

    ??? ?????? ????? ?? ???? ??? ?? ??? ????? ???? ????????? [?????? ??],
    좋아요 한 회원 0 좋아요 답변 삭제
  • 김영현 ip11 2011-12-24 22:50:22
    Hey, an insane internet bully,
    This disinterested world innocent can't help urging South Korea to indentify the
    senseless internet bully by tracking its password because the insane guy makes
    South Korea be a backward/undeveloped country since a lot of reckless korean
    internet bullies had have pride on themselves when posted macilious comments to
    internet articles and those own had made its South Korea be swallowed up into
    letting itself be subjected to do not appeal to the right national traits of the korean.

    What on earth does South Korea remain idly to guide all those korean internet bullies
    onto the right path, even though those all was said to spoil/destruct the national/
    right standard of culture, to do anything they like to harm/rip on a small number of
    korean innocents, to be the persons concerned who were in the centre of making
    this era's reducing/disappearing innocents suffer and of playing a pivotal role to
    have your South Korea's the weak people commit a suicide or give up their pecious
    life due to your never-forgivable criminal acts-like unpardonable atrocity?

    Needelss to say, you-like all korean internet bullies must be in charge of being free to follow its fencies related to having a detrimental effect on or would wreak havoc on
    your South Korea at a time that all korean crimes are rocketed, and also, be
    responsible for encouraging your solitary korean peninsula to lay itself that the most of koreans is the worst's internet bullies could be out of control or couldn't be under control of , and to resort to all sorts of excuses, which can't afford to deter those
    bullies' never-forgivable criminal acts because they are always bragging to their
    South Korea about "freedom of expression" or they are confident to let themelves
    make its unpardonable internet bullyings more secure under the pretext of freedom
    of expression. Needless to say, those all must consider themselves a so-called evil
    group that eats away at your korean society and all world innocents have no choice
    but to think of those irresponsible acts as having so many traits in common with an
    uncivilized county are epitomized by itself.

    In conclusion, this uneducated and humble/weak/the pure pro-democratism/the
    absolute anti-communism seeker-oriented world innocent wants to tell those same
    unfavorable human species "like" you all might just as well bellow out blasphemies
    towards this world innocent(will/can punish you all severely), but you all can never
    justify itself for its conduct or justify yours behaviors involved offering a small
    number of korean innocents affront, that is, you all can do anything would do within
    your kroean society, provided (that) you all do not give trouble to your South Korea's
    few/small number of korean innocents. Promise all of you that will observe yours
    behaviors closely and also, will demand your South Korea to monitor the
    development of this incident.

    2011. 12. 24. in downtown Seoul, nearby SPO,
    Younghyun Kim (World Innocent)
    좋아요 한 회원 0 좋아요 답변 삭제
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