

For a newly peaceful and consistent world!
Korea, Republic o 김영현 0 375 2012-01-06 21:23:23


  As one of all the fervent seekers of world peace and justice, this unworthly and disinterested world one/innocent has no choice but to talks with you all about the undeniable facts that the world and your solitary korean peninsula are at this juncture and at a critical juncture relate to what are those to think about the global future and what lie ahead of their own unclear destinies. Those include those each's turbulent situations in home and abroad, such as  this era's inevitable carnivals + affairs of bloodshed-intended wars due to world dissension, internal conflicts/strifes(as if the two koreas had been showing signs of discord within their own peninsula due to its long-running dissension and feud since they had experienced the tragedy of fratricidal war), ideological impacts/collisions, addicting almost 99% world nationals to let themselvs act in blind obediences to the orders of money or mammonism and materialism, the crisis and unbalance of world economy and the riches + inequality of treatments and of opportunities based on "racial" -to- "gender" -to- "educational" -to- "economic" inequality.


 So, around 99% human species are looking for backsliding-typed livings, and those each's a value of a human being had been replaced by economic realities, and they are slipping in a complacent comfort-zone, and they are busy lining their own pockets, and since absorbed in the actual, they had been losing sight of the ideal. The same humans behaviors and thoughts are playing a role in causing "our international society" and your solitary korean peninsula(South and North Korea) to be in a state of total collapse or be facing with a possible breakup with. As you know, someone is no exception to this frank remarks. For all human beings or all world people, this era's money and material life are an insurmountable obstacle. But those all must recognize that a world unworthly human being will never seek its same living and his whole life will ground on "our", "your", his time's precious human value. In fact, your solitary korean peninsula needs the same unprecedented president as a good leader, who can enable himself to do it and also, who can signpost all people in the right direction.


 Let's change its another subject. Do you think that the puppet military regime is yours insurmountable obstacle to reform and have its regime be transformed/metamorphosed into from a worst's destructive and communist regime to a most favorable democratic nation in the world? This weak and unworthly world innocent/one would like to ask all of you to do everything for the same cause, and to triumph over all your ordeals and difficult time. In conclusion, this world innocent/one will make an introduction of all of you to Albert Einstein's an edifying remarks towards this 21st century and the puppet regime(North Korea regime), Nobel Peace prize Physicist; like " There is no scientific antidote to the atomic bomb, only education. We've got to know the way people think. I am not interested in disarmament talks in nations or nuclear powers/states and those counterparts. What I want to do is to disarm the mind. After that, everything else will automatically follow. The ultimate weapon for such mental disarmament is international education so as to quit and give up all nuclear power-seekers since they have been showing its viciously ambitious aspiration for preserving their regimes.


 This world one/innocent wisehs all of you a happy and valuable year("the Year of Dragon")! Good luck!

                                            2012. 01. 06 in downtown Seoul near 강서구 모 동       



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