

토르 할보르센에게
beauty11 0 785 2014-02-10 11:17:10

Hi? Thor Halvorssen. I always thank you so much for your North Korean Human Rights Acts. My English is not so good, but I must tell you something.

I strongly recommend Mr Lee. Mr Lee invents the balloon at first and then upgrade. Please, have a look this, the main page.

http://www.nkdw.net/kr/main/main.asp <--- click!

Suzanne Scholte even does not know about the balloon very well.

Have a look a news about the balloon 15th Jan, I don`t know if you can read it. http://news.naver.com/main/read.nhn?mode=LSD&mid=sec&oid=001&aid=0006701310&sid1=001 <--click!

By the way, I always thank you very much for your North Korean Human Rights Acts. Please, be happy and well and Take it easy. I hope I see you someday.

인권재단(Human Rights Foundation) 토르 할보르센(Thor Halvorssen)총재에게 페이스북으로 보낸 내용입니다.
내용은 이민복 탈북자가,, 제대로, 풍향에 맞게 대북풍선한다는 내용입니다.

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