

검찰이 한국말을 잘 알아듣지 못한다기에...
Korea, Republic o jdkim 0 383 2010-09-07 20:36:18
제6차 G20 정상회의 준비 위원회 귀중

‘제6차 G20 정상회의 준비위원회 개최 결과’ 중
아래문건의 취지는 아래 '반부패, 구체적인 정책권고안 보고'에도 해당된다고 봅니다. 만약 본 문건의 취지가 위와 같지 아니하더라도 G20목적과 근본적으로 배치되지 않는다면, 본 문건에 대한 판단은 각 회원국의 권한사항으로 가늠되므로 한국 측 준비 위원회의 합리적인 판단으로 회원국의 알권리를 위하여서도 신속 공정한 전달을 바랍니다. 그 어떤 나라의 경제도 그 나라의 법과 원칙이 제대로 지켜지지 않는다면 그것이야 말로 G20의 목적에 위배된다고 생각할 수 있기 때문입니다. 감사합니다.
아 래
‘제6차 G20 정상회의 준비위원회 개최 결과’ 중
‘분 야 서울 정상회의 주요 과제’
‘반부패 ㅇ 구체적인 정책권고안 보고’ -이상-

2020년 9월4일(토)
아래 문건 작성자 김정도 드림.

검찰이 한국말을 잘 알아듣지 못한다기에...

To:  Leaders of G20!                 September 1, 2010
Subject:  Please, help my president (Social Justice and Human Rights)!
Welcome to the Republic of Korea (ROK). It's my honor to have you in our nation and I hope you have many good solutions to be announced at the 5th G20 Seoul Summit in Korea for the concerns of mankind.

Social Justice and Human Rights are at a critical juncture in South Korea -
My life's motto is “self-reformation of the 1,700 Korean prosecutors.” The reason I bring this matter to the attention of the G20 leaders is to contrast and compare it with the sinking of the ROK Navy ship, Cheonan Ham.

The Cheonan ham matter is a domestic problem. But, why does our President Lee, Myong Bak (LMB) inform the leaders of the G20 to ask your assistance to persuade the UN to take a lawful action in this matter? Why the delay of wartime command from the US to the ROK until 2015. And, why do the US forces join us in a show of force by demonstrating its power as our ally? The reason is because our Korean armed forces are not strong enough.

For the same reasons, I was so weak by myself trying to convince our government of the drastic need for reforming our corrupt prosecutorial system.

Finally, even though the disregard of social justice and Human Rights by the public prosecutors has gone on for more than 30 years, I did my best to convince the justice prosecutors to be the central force after the reunification of South and North Korea; and the unification of our culture, lifestyle and justice for the common good of the two Korean nations. But, before I knew it my life has passed me by as I am now a 70 year-old man. My last wish is that some leaders of the G20 will offer me even a few minutes of their break time to allow me to speak my plea in English to them,  If not, you can contact me at:  jdjudge@hanmail.net /or call me at: 010-7145-5043. , http://blog.daum.net/jdjudge

I hope that LMB can report on a change of social justice and Human Rights in Korea at the next G20 summit.

I will be praying for you. God bless you and your nation.
Thank you very much for reading.
JD Kim
1 Inclosure - Annex


Again, I welcome you to Korea.
By introduction, my name is JD Kim (aka JD).am 70 years old and live in Ansan Korea.

Is lack of an education a barrier to running a successful business?
I only graduated from middle school, due to the failure of my father's business. But, in spite of my lack of formal higher education, I founded a very successful JD Public Relations (JDPR) company with offices in the Westin Chosun Hotel in downtown Seoul in the early 80s.In addition I founded a joint-venture company.These enterprises I developed from a mental capacity for progress and self-motivation. Later, I established an English Language Institute and taught more than 300 students in Ansan. These students received awards in several English Speaking Contests and a commendation from Colonel McNulty, Commander, US Army Garrison, Yongsan. However, a Korean public prosecutor handcuffed and arrested me in front of my family and destroyed my reputation, because I didn't have a college degree to teach English.

Can’t a citizen support his community without harassment?
At a later time, public prosecutors handcuffed and arrested me in front of my family and neighbors and accused me with an illegal arraignment (Case No. 2000-93545), for an action I took to prevent a crime, just because my action was against their will. But later, the ROKG Supreme Court (2002DO5515) ruled that I was 'not guilty.'
Victims suffer even though exonerated!

After the prosecutors threatened my livelihood etc., my wife and two sons left me, as they couldn't stop me from struggling for the self-reformation of these numerous corrupt prosecutors. These aggressive suppressive prosecutors have made my life a "living hell for 12 years" and resulted in my living alone (without my family) for the last 8 years (Actually my wife and sons are indirect victims of these corrupt prosecutors).

I can suppress my tears and anger, but the hardship, painful disease (insomnia, etc) and sacrifice remain. However, justice and joyful things along with my life were fretted-away. I miss my loved ones very much; because I'm a human begin too. It makes me very sad and very lonely. Sometimes, depression and agony comes unexpectedly not only from the prosecutors illegal actions, but because their shameful acts are unknown to others. And, I have to swallow it like a cockroach going down my throat.

Patriots are plentiful, but Justice comes to the few!
These prosecutors took action against me without any feelings or compassion or regret for their actions. My patriotism is as like that of Admiral Yi, Soon Shin and Ahn, joong Keun who both gave their lives for the salvation of our nation. Without my patriotic spirit for my nation, I could have committed suicide long ago!
At one time my efforts for community improvements were honored!
In 1973, I was presented the newly created SaeMaul Undong (New Community Movement) Medal from then President Park, Chung Hee, for my leadership in renovating our community under the Korean Government authorized SaeMaul Undong Program.

But, there were other times it wasn’t!
As of now, 80% of our population lives in apartments throughout Korea and I try to make it a principle of positive community life in our apartment complex. However, some 260 residents filed suit against the guilty and corrupt management of our apartment complex (2006 Case No. 8721, 17374 (annex), etc). This action made the prosecutor upset with me again. Since then a few public prosecutors have suppressed me for the last 12 years.

The Illegal Prosecution and My earlier achievements coalesced in a determined path!
Such very negative (Prosecutors Illegal) actions, yet some very positive experiences led me to a conclusion for the preparation of the unification of the Korea peninsula. I couldn't stand the prosecutors' suppression as well as their malfeasance. So, I submitted a few petitions to our current President LMB, but there is nothing he could do about it (see the attachments - certification of contents (7) which I sent to LMB).

South Korea today!
TheRepublic of Korea has achieved an awesome economy, but at the expense of the collapse of the constitution and rampant rule by corrupt prosecutors. Consequently, many victims, of criminal acts by corrupt prosecutors, are preventedfrom a fair hearing and as a result the public naturally distrusts the government.And even worse the prosecutors' actions become synonymous with Communist North Korea; and/or their corrupt practices escalates the anger of innocent victims who may become radical and this too threaten our national security.

Why did our previous governments give millions of dollars to North Korea?
The previous two governments took our taxes to pay the North Koreans. I say that our prosecutors abandoned their duty to protect our citizens from the previous administrations who gave away our taxes.And to what avail.Did NK respond in any positive way for the tax money they received?No, the ROK citizens have borne the burden of any arrangement with NK. Why? In South Korea there are many supporters of North Korea, such as religious, academic, political, even some soldiers, etc... just you name it. A domestic paper reported that "Communization is done; only unification is left."

Internal struggles by citizens of South Korea are more threatening than North Korean's military attacks. That’s why we need reforming of our prosecution system. Of course, even the LMB government could have wrongdoings. But, before the LMB administration came to power, our nation gave North Korea about 500 million US dollars during those 10 years under the name of president's action, which allowed North Korea to easily make nuclear weapons. Some politicians are saying: "Whatever former government's joint statements proclaimed (6.15 and 10.4), the budget payment must continue." I think it is nonsense! That's one reason why North Korea continues to threaten war against the South, tocoerce our politicians into placing South Korea under the control of the North through the agitation of communist sympathizers. This is the consequence of such lavish support to NK! In return NK vowed to make South Korea a "Sea of Flames," in addition tothreatening Seoul and the world with nuclear weapons.

Beware of those who undermine our alliance with the USA!
As the world mass media reported in the past, there were many glorified candlelight vigils concocted for two events aimed against the USA: 1) for two Korean school girls who were accidentally killed by an armored US military vehicle; and 2) for the supposed Public concerns over the "Mad Cow" disease of US beef. Sometimes these vigils were portrayed by the Media like a violent revolution. LMB issued a public apology twice over the candlelight vigils concerning the supposed "Mad Cow" US beef. Consequently, there's been no proof of a "mad cow" disease yet. On the other hand, the North brazenly attacked our warship Cheonan Ham and killed 46 soldiers. Now! Where are the organizers for the candlelight vigils calling for North Korea to atone for their "unprovoked attack" on our 46 innocent Sailors?Why demonstrations against America only? America is and has been our Ally.

Why did LMB apologize and to whom?
It is so bad now that neither our president nor our congressmen can do anything about the corrupt prosecutors. Why? Our government is stymied due to its inability to prosecute those who have monopolized our prosecutorial system. That's why the mass media only report after-the-fact (well-known) illegal acts by the Prosecutors. But, the media does not report on those illegal actions the citizens have a right-to-know.
What is the fundamental reason why corrupt prosecutors and North Korean sympathizers could continue their existence for the last 60 years? There are numerous real time surveys conducted in Korea, but not even a single questionnaire or survey has been circulated for corrupt prosecution's affect on society and the nation. Why?

If corrupt prosecutors are allowed to continue to monopolize our nation, the ROKG could collapse like South Vietnam in 1973!
At that time South Vietnam had a greater number of very powerful weapons than North Vietnam and the powerful US military too. But South Vietnam collapsed through its own citizens who were disenchanted with their corrupt leaders and began to sympathize with the North Vietnamese. I feel the same about our nation now. I believe that this situation gives me and all othercitizens of the Republic of Korea the right to appeal to the United Nations as well as G20 leaders. Why did we ask for another nation's favor? Is it for the ROKG's political power or ROK's citizen‘s peace? If it is for the citizen’speace, then without "reforming the corrupted prosecution" the ROKG is deceiving the Solders and nations who helped Korea in its time of need! And before we criticize North Korea's Human Rights severely, we should look inside the ROKG and root-out all corrupt prosecutors!

We are ever in debt to the Nations who came to our aid! And, look where we are today!
Communist North Korea invaded the Republic of Korea in 1950. At that time 15 other allied nations help us so we could keep our territory and now we are the 15th largest economic nation in the world.
But, unfortunately economic growth and a just society are distinctly different and that's the reality of Korea today. Each country has its own problems, but do they have as corrupt prosecutors as South Korea?hope not! It is amazing that under such irrational conditions we still have made a democratic nation worth living in. What if the corrupt prosecutors had been reformed earlier, perhaps our two nations, NK and SK, could be unified because justice for all would rise along with the economic progress of our two nations.Then I believe the Cheonan Ham war-ship would not have been sunk. A healthy ROK and its power could have better contributed to international understanding and a just society.

How corrupt are the prosecutors?
The public prosecutors always punish others’illegal activities, but they never punish and rarely publicize their own guilty cohort's. The former president tried in vain to reform our prosecutors system very strongly, but he failed!He said "The prosecutors are uncontrollable," soon he passed away in tragedy. That's why I wrote a document titled "The presidents who raise cuckoo's eggs," (The presidents who are powerless against the ruthless and corrupt prosecutors). Which means, "Reveal the truth" or "Make thepresidents who raise cuckoo's eggs find the truth!" (A cuckoo bird displaces another bird's chicks from their nest while the mother bird is absent and places her own chicks in the nest. The nesting mother bird returns to her nest and faultlessly feeds the cuckoo's chicks unbeknown to her who they are until the cuckoo's chicks fly away!)

Please see attached deposition of prosecutor and certification of contents (7) etc., aDVD was sent to LMB. A few days ago LMB promised a "Just Society." So you may expect some information, I hope.

How to appeal to the World?
How is it that Ms. Kim, Yun-Ah, who is an Olympic gold medalist in figure skating can touch the world, while a 70 year-old man, whose life was like the movie "Pa-pillion"cannot have the same access?

How to help LMB!
If you read my plea and understand the reality of the injustice, then you’ve already helped. After returning home, by any chance, please tell your friends or journalist that: "Korea is not only an economic model country, but Korea will become an international leader for social justice!" Then I'd appreciate it more! Perhaps your country also needs a boost in social justice, who knows?

Korea is a very fascinating country. I hope you will be satisfied with the 5th G20 conference hosted in Korea.

Should you have any questions or wish to communication with me, please email me at: jdjudge@hanmail.net /or call me at: 010-7145-5043.

좋아하는 회원 : 0

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  • 고생햇다 2010-09-08 14:07:03
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