지난 2008년 온 나라를 혼란에 빠뜨렸던 광우병 난동의 주범에는 MBC 의 PD수첩이 불을 질렀던 원인 제공자입니다. 지나간 일이 아니고 이러한 역사적 사실(HISTORICAL FACT)는 반복되고 우리에게 교훈을 주고 있습니다. 두번 다시는 이런일이 반복되지 않게 빨갱이들을 바로 알아야 하겠습니다.
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전체 댓글 (285)
지금 댓글을 게시하려면 로그인 또는 가입하세요.
엠비시 보도진이 전라도출신이 다수 포진했다는데잉?ㅋㅋㅋ
전국언론노동조합 ㅋㅋ? 좌빨아닌교
TTzealousTT 3주 전
미친 MBC... 옌병을? 한다 정말.
musico119 1개월 전
진짜 개비씨 증세가 심각하다. 이 정도의 역적질이라면 사형이 마땅하다는? 생각이 든다.
ekwnrdu 1개월 전
허구헌날 미제 앞잡이, 친일파 운운하면서 정작 니들은 그 누구보다도 더 나라 망신 시키는 매국노 ㄴ ㄴ들이다. 이정도로 감각을 잃었다면 느그들 정말 심각하다.? 도대체 이런걸 유뷰브에 올리면 이 세상의 어느 바보가 "그래 느그들 참 고생한다" 라고 할것 같냐? 이렇게 말하는 것이 안들리냐? "야,한국의 지상파 방송이라는 세키들이 무슨 유치원 애들도 아니고,, 참 한국 한심하다" . 다시한번 말하지만 느그들은 지금 역사상 가장 더러운 매국노 짓을 하고 있느거다. 써글 ㄴ ㄴ 들아 ! 이에 퉷 !! 퉷 !! 퉷 !! 퉷 !! 퉷 !! 퉷 !! 퉷 !! 퉷 !! 퉷 !! 퉷 !! 퉷 !! 퉷 !! 퉷 !! 퉷 !! 퉷 !!
ekwnrdu 1개월 전
1.Why did they that? in Short. The main reason is that thay don't want to lose their vested rights and MONEY!.
The MBC is consisted with abnormal salary system. Higher degree worker is more than
low degree worker. Can You imagne that? The lowest degree worker's salary is extremly
high compare to Korea's normal salary man. They think that power and money? must be
belong to them. This is the answer.
ekwnrdu 1개월 전
the head persons have to decide to disciplinary action. very very light discipline. Why?
after the false TV program aired, MUCH MUCH people in Korea do not watch MBC. until
now they(people who made false TV program about BSE(mad cow disease)do not say
"apology" .? The false TV program made Korea falling into a state of disorder and
ekwnrdu 1개월 전
the head persons have to decide to disciplinary action. very very light discipline. Why?
after the false TV program aired, MUCH MUCH people in Korea do not watch MBC. until
now they(people who made false TV program about BSE(mad cow disease)do not say
"apology" . The false? TV program made Korea falling into a state of disorder and
ekwnrdu 1개월 전
3.Think about it ! If there is no freedom in Korea, How can they talk about like this with
showing their own faces! . They aired about BSE(mad cow disease)falsely at the first time
of president Lee to collapse government.
Why? as much as ten years, Korea is under North Korea? followers. They never talk about
North Korea's Human Rights! They even don't talk about a hereditary monarch in North
Korea!. MBC had been in control North Korea followers including MBC union.
ekwnrdu 1개월 전
[2/2] MBC is one of the air broadcasting stations in S.korea(ROK) had very special right. It guarantees enormous monopolization. Till now -(before law changed)- S.Korea(ROK)'s national Law restricts? major newspaper companies-(right wings)- not to broadcast freely. They're-(MBC,KBS1,KBS2,SBS)- worrying about to lose their vested rights and political posittion.
firstchariot 1개월 전 3
[1/2] Don't Trust That! Ask to Your friends being s.korea (ROK). Ugly union of 'MBC'(broadcasting station) makes noise to world the foolish bogus bills. s.Korea(ROK) 's democracy runs very well. leftwing? cells -(have repect for the communism and northkorea)- in 'MBC' agitate citizen in populism. Their ambition is very dangerous.
qjatn4133 2년 전 7
스팸 신고
사용자 차단
사용자 차단취소전체 보기
전체 댓글 (285)
지금 댓글을 게시하려면 로그인 또는 가입하세요.
엠비시 보도진이 전라도출신이 다수 포진했다는데잉?ㅋㅋㅋ
전국언론노동조합 ㅋㅋ? 좌빨아닌교
TTzealousTT 3주 전
미친 MBC... 옌병을? 한다 정말.
musico119 1개월 전
진짜 개비씨 증세가 심각하다. 이 정도의 역적질이라면 사형이 마땅하다는? 생각이 든다.
ekwnrdu 1개월 전
허구헌날 미제 앞잡이, 친일파 운운하면서 정작 니들은 그 누구보다도 더 나라 망신 시키는 매국노 ㄴ ㄴ들이다. 이정도로 감각을 잃었다면 느그들 정말 심각하다.? 도대체 이런걸 유뷰브에 올리면 이 세상의 어느 바보가 "그래 느그들 참 고생한다" 라고 할것 같냐? 이렇게 말하는 것이 안들리냐? "야,한국의 지상파 방송이라는 세키들이 무슨 유치원 애들도 아니고,, 참 한국 한심하다" . 다시한번 말하지만 느그들은 지금 역사상 가장 더러운 매국노 짓을 하고 있느거다. 써글 ㄴ ㄴ 들아 ! 이에 퉷 !! 퉷 !! 퉷 !! 퉷 !! 퉷 !! 퉷 !! 퉷 !! 퉷 !! 퉷 !! 퉷 !! 퉷 !! 퉷 !! 퉷 !! 퉷 !! 퉷 !!
ekwnrdu 1개월 전
1.Why did they that? in Short. The main reason is that thay don't want to lose their vested rights and MONEY!.
The MBC is consisted with abnormal salary system. Higher degree worker is more than
low degree worker. Can You imagne that? The lowest degree worker's salary is extremly
high compare to Korea's normal salary man. They think that power and money? must be
belong to them. This is the answer.
ekwnrdu 1개월 전
the head persons have to decide to disciplinary action. very very light discipline. Why?
after the false TV program aired, MUCH MUCH people in Korea do not watch MBC. until
now they(people who made false TV program about BSE(mad cow disease)do not say
"apology" .? The false TV program made Korea falling into a state of disorder and
ekwnrdu 1개월 전
the head persons have to decide to disciplinary action. very very light discipline. Why?
after the false TV program aired, MUCH MUCH people in Korea do not watch MBC. until
now they(people who made false TV program about BSE(mad cow disease)do not say
"apology" . The false? TV program made Korea falling into a state of disorder and
ekwnrdu 1개월 전
3.Think about it ! If there is no freedom in Korea, How can they talk about like this with
showing their own faces! . They aired about BSE(mad cow disease)falsely at the first time
of president Lee to collapse government.
Why? as much as ten years, Korea is under North Korea? followers. They never talk about
North Korea's Human Rights! They even don't talk about a hereditary monarch in North
Korea!. MBC had been in control North Korea followers including MBC union.
ekwnrdu 1개월 전
[2/2] MBC is one of the air broadcasting stations in S.korea(ROK) had very special right. It guarantees enormous monopolization. Till now -(before law changed)- S.Korea(ROK)'s national Law restricts? major newspaper companies-(right wings)- not to broadcast freely. They're-(MBC,KBS1,KBS2,SBS)- worrying about to lose their vested rights and political posittion.
firstchariot 1개월 전 3
[1/2] Don't Trust That! Ask to Your friends being s.korea (ROK). Ugly union of 'MBC'(broadcasting station) makes noise to world the foolish bogus bills. s.Korea(ROK) 's democracy runs very well. leftwing? cells -(have repect for the communism and northkorea)- in 'MBC' agitate citizen in populism. Their ambition is very dangerous.