

부시, 北-이란 `악의 축' 재규정 (연합뉴스)(부시회견문영문도)
헌변홈피독자 0 249 2006-03-11 23:27:40
다음은 헌법을 생각하는 변호사모임의 홈페이지

http://www.law717.org 의 국내보도자료 편에 있는 것임.

다음은 조선닷컴 http://www.chosun.com 에 있는 기사임.

연합 뉴스의 기사라고 함.

이 기사뒤에 이 기사와 관련 있는 미국 부시 대통령의 기자회견문 (영문)

을 이 기사 뒤에 올릴 것임.


부시, 北-이란 `악의 축' 재규정

조지 부시 미국 대통령이 10일 북한과 이란을 ’악의 축’으로 규정한 종전 발언을 되풀이했다.
부시 대통령은 이날 워싱턴에서 가진 전국 신문단체 회원들과 일문일답 도중 ’이란과 북한, 중국 중 어느 나라가 가장 심각한 안보 위협을 야기하느냐’는 질문에 “안보 위협이라는 측면에서 이란과 북한의 (비중이) 같다”면서 이같이 밝혔다.

부시가 악의 축 용어를 다시 동원한 것은 집권 2기 들어와서 이번이 처음이라 관심이 모아진다. 그는 2002년 국정연설에서 처음으로 북한과 이란, 이라크를 악의 축으로 규정했다.

부시는 “나는 과거 연설에서 (지구상에는) 악의 축 국가들이 있으며, 그것은 이란과 북한을 포함한다고 말했다”면서 “나는 당시 투명성을 결여한 전체주의 국가들과 핵무기 개발 계획을 밝힌 나라들을 우려했기 때문에 그같이 말했다”고 발언 배경을 설명했다.

그는 또 북한과 이란 두 나라는 투명하지 못하며 전세계에 예측 불가능성을 야기하기 때문에 “똑같은” 비중으로 안보 위협 요인이 되고 있다고 주장했다.

부시는 이어 이스라엘 파괴를 촉구하는 마흐무드 아흐마디네자드 이란 대통령 발언과 이란의 핵 개발 의지에 언급, 심각한 안보 위협이 되고 있다고 전제하면서도 그러나 나는 아직 이란과 북한 문제를 외교를 통해 해결할 의지를 갖고 있다고 덧붙였다.

워싱턴 교도=연합뉴스

입력 : 2006.03.11 16:25
다음은 위의 기사와 관련된 부시 대통령의 기자회견문인데

미국 대통령의 집무실의 홈페이지 http://www.whitehouse.gov 에 있는

부시대통령의 회견문에서

Q Who do you think the biggest threat is: Iran, North Korea, or China?

THE PRESIDENT: Interesting question. The biggest threat to American security, Iran, North Korea, or China. Why did I call on you? (Laughter.) It would be an Oklahoma guy, you know? (Laughter.)

The biggest threat to American security, short-term, is al Qaeda. They would like to attack us again. I think about al Qaeda and their potential to attack all the time -- all the time. That's what you want your President doing. My job is to basically insulate people from some concerns. You don't risk capital if you're worried about an attack coming tomorrow. You don't go confidently about your business if an attack is right around the corner. I understand that. But I think about it a lot. So step one -- I'm changing your question; would you please order the threats -- al Qaeda.

I said in an early speech there was an axis of evil, and it included Iran and North Korea. I said that I think, help me out here, April -- 2002 perhaps? State of the Union. If it's not 2002, it's April's fault, because she nodded her head. (Laughter.) Relatively early in my presidency.

I did that because I'm concerned about totalitarian governments that are not transparent, that have stated their intentions to develop nuclear weapons. One of the real dangerous threats, of course, is the nexus of terrorist groups, non-state groups that get a weapon of mass destruction, which is their stated objective. And so I'm concerned about that.

I'm concerned about -- I would say they're equal, Iran and North Korea, as for a security threat, because any time there's a non-transparent regime without a free press to hold people to account, it creates an unpredictability in the world. The Iranian President has stated his desire to destroy our ally, Israel. So when you start listening to what he has said, to their desire to develop a nuclear weapon, then you begin to see an issue of grave national security concern.

And, therefore, it's very important for the United States to continue to work with others to solve these issues diplomatically -- in other words, to deal with these threats today. And we are. We've got the EU3 -- which is Great Britain, France and Germany -- diplomatic lingo, sorry -- are basically taking the position for the free world to the Iranians, that said, no nuclear weapon, and no knowledge about how to make a nuclear weapon.

I talked to Vladimir Putin this week -- or the Foreign Minister from Russia this week, about making sure that we're -- Russia says the same thing. In other words, we want the Iranians to hear loud and clear that the world is speaking with one voice when it comes to their capacity to develop a nuclear weapon. Remember now, the reason we are where we are is because they had agreed to international norms, and then were caught not adhering to the international norms. In other words, they basically tried to pull one over on the world. And to me, that's a warning signal we've got to take seriously.

Korea, the issue is one in which we tried to alter the relationship with the Koreans to be more than just the voice of the United States saying to the Koreans the same thing. And so we've now got China, South Korea, Russia, Japan and the United States involved in what's called the six-party talks.

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