

미친 늙은이 김대중과 미친 늙은이 지미 카터
UNITED STATES 남신우 4 304 2006-11-05 06:52:14
미친 늙은이 김대중과 미친 늙은이 지미 카터

서울에는 김대중이란 미친 영감이 있고, 미국에는 지미 카터란 미친 영감이 있다. 김대중은 제 아비가 누군지도 확실치 않고, 자라면서 하도 구박덩이여서, 저 모양으로 미쳤다고 볼 수 있지만, 지미 카터는 자란 환경도 괜찮고, 미해군사관학교를 나왔으며, 자칭 born-again 기독교인이라며, 미국대통령까지 해먹은 영감이 땅콩을 너무 많이 처먹고 체했는지, 미쳐도 보통 미치지가 않았다.

오늘 날자, 블룸버그 뉴스에 난 기사를 보니, 미친 영감 지미 카터는 아직까지도 1994년 미북합의문은, 미국이 어겼지, 북한이 어긴 것이 아니라고, 박박 우기고 있다. 아마 김일성과 포옹한 대가로 노벨평화상 탄 것이 양심에 꺼리는지, 김일성 부자를 아직까지도 옹호하니, 지미 카터 이름을 김지미라고 바꿔야 할가보다.

김지미가 미국에서 대통령 해먹을 때가, 미국은 최악이었다. 이란이 미국인들 55명을 444일간이나 인질로 잡아두었을 때도 꼼짝 못한 영감이 지미 카터다. 지미 카터때, 미국경제가 최악이었다. 대통령 부임하자 마자, 한국에서 미군들 몽땅 철수하겠다고 한 영감이 지미 카터다. 1994년, 저 혼자서 평양에 좇아가서 김일성과 부둥켜 안고, 전쟁 막았다고 흰 종이장 하나 들고 신이 나서 돌아온 미친 영감이 바로 지미 카터다.

이렇게 지미 카터는 저 혼자 인권한답시고 돌아다니면서, 흙탕질만 쳐놓고, 독재자들 좋은 일만 골라서 했다. 특히 우리나라에 결정적으로 흙탕물을 튀겨서, 우리가 지금 김대중과 노무현에게 당하고 있다. 다음은 지미 카터 미친 영감의 어제 발언 발췌번역문이다.

Carter Says Claim That North Korea Cheated `Completely False'
카터가 주장하기를, 북한이 속였다는 것은 ‘말짱 거짓말’이란다.
By Judy Mathewson

Nov. 3 (Bloomberg) -- The Bush administration claim that North Korea cheated or reneged on a 1994 agreement with the U.S. to freeze its nuclear program is ``completely false and ridiculous,'' former U.S. President Jimmy Carter said.
전 미국대통령 지미 카터는, 부시정부가 북한이 1994년 핵을 동결하겠다고 미국과 합의했던 것을 어겼다고 주장하는 것은 “말짱 거짓말이고 어이없는” 주장이라고, 말했다.

Carter, a Democrat who helped broker the agreement with the North Koreans on behalf of then-President Bill Clinton, said the pact was ``observed pretty well by both sides'' for eight years.
민주당인 카터는, 당시 대통령이었던 클린턴 위임으로 (이것도 사실이 아니다: 역자 주) 북한과의 합의를 도출해냈는데, 지난 8년간 이 합의는 쌍방이 그런대로 잘 지켜왔다고 주장했다.

땅콩 영감 지미 카터는 계속해서, 부시와 라이스의 대북정책을 비난하고, 헤즈볼라와 싸운 이스라엘도 씹어대고, 망령이 들어도 보통 든 것이 아니다. 번역을 하다보니, 너무 메스꺼워서, 도중에 그만 둔다. 보도기사 영어 전문은 다음과 같다.

Carter Says Claim That North Korea Cheated `Completely False'
By Judy Mathewson

Nov. 3 (Bloomberg) -- The Bush administration claim that North Korea cheated or reneged on a 1994 agreement with the U.S. to freeze its nuclear program is ``completely false and ridiculous,'' former U.S. President Jimmy Carter said.

Carter, a Democrat who helped broker the agreement with the North Koreans on behalf of then-President Bill Clinton, said the pact was ``observed pretty well by both sides'' for eight years.

``It lasted until 2002 when the United States in effect abandoned that agreement and branded North Korea as an axis of evil,'' Carter, 82, said in an interview to be broadcast this weekend on ``Conversations with Judy Woodruff'' on Bloomberg Television. Carter also said the U.S. further undermined the agreement by condemning summit meetings that took place in 2000 between North Korea and South Korea.
President George W. Bush said on Oct. 11, two days after North Korea tested a nuclear bomb, that the 1994 agreement ``just didn't work.'' Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice on Oct. 10 said the North Koreans ``cheated'' on that agreement.

Bush and Rice also said such a history justified the administration's refusal to talk directly with North Korea and instead urged the Asian nation to return to six-nation disarmament talks.

North Korea said Oct. 31 it will rejoin that six-country forum if the U.S. agrees to discuss lifting financial sanctions imposed last year.
It's wrong to say that North Korea cheated on the 1994 agreement, Carter said. Under Clinton, North Korea agreed to bring back international atomic inspectors, freeze its nuclear program and put its spent fuel rods in cold storage, he said.

Nobel Peace Prize
Carter, the 2002 winner of the Nobel Peace Prize, called for direct U.S.-North Korea talks, though he said they would probably have to be arranged discreetly at the six-party negotiations.

To arrange talks between just the U.S. and North Korea at a separate forum ``would result in too much loss of face by the current administration, but they could do it under the aegis of the umbrella of the so-called six-power talks, assembled with a secret, private, unpublicized agreement by the North Koreans in advance,'' Carter said.
The Bush administration has said that bilateral conversations with North Korea have already taken place at the six-party talks and can again.

Carter also said Israelis ``responded excessively'' in the conflict with Hezbollah in July ``when they began a massive bombing operation against a major part of Lebanon.''

`Unnecessary War'
He said the Bush administration made a mistake by ``abandoning the effort in Afghanistan to stamp out al-Qaeda, to capture Osama bin Laden'' when it shifted most of the U.S. military effort from Afghanistan into Iraq. Carter called Iraq ``an unnecessary war based on false premises.''

Asked whether he thinks there should be some limits on free trade to protect American jobs, Carter said that while that issue is important, he is more concerned about what he called ``the growing chasm between rich people and poor people.''

``The main thing I see in international trade is to be sure that we treat fairly the people who are already living devastated lives because of poverty and deprivation and not worry overly much about withholding trade from them in order to protect a few American jobs.''

Carter, the 39th president, served one term starting in 1977. He and his wife Rosalynn founded the Carter Center, an Atlanta-based human-rights organization, in 1982. Its mission is to improve human rights and alleviate suffering by resolving conflicts, improving health and promoting freedom and democracy.

To contact the reporter on this story: Judy Mathewson in Washington at jmathewson@bloomberg.net .
Last Updated: November 3, 2006 00:04 EST
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