

워싱턴 북한자유주간 행사 일정표
United States 남신우 1 377 2007-04-07 22:40:22
워싱턴 북한자유주간 행사 일정표

4월 6일 현재까지 확정된 북한자유주간 행사들입니다. 남신우 드림

Confirmed Events for North Korea Freedom Week 2007 as of April 6th
2007년 북한자유주간에 확인된 행사들

North Korea Genocide Exhibit (김정일의 대학살 전시회)
Monday, April 23 - Thursday, April 26 (4월23일부터 4월 26일까지)
Time: Open Daily 9 am to 5 pm location:
location: Ebenezer's Coffeehouse, 201 F Street, NE (near Union Station)
organizers: Sin U Nam, Moon Gook Han, Nathan Hill
sponsor: International Coalition to Save the North Korean Slaves(북한노예구출 국제연대)

Monday, April 23 (유엔안보리에 대북제재를 요구함)
2-3:30 pm Panel on Failure to Protect: A Call to the UN Security Council to Act on North Korea
location: DLA Piper, 1200 19th Street, NW, Washington, DC
organizer: Debra Liang-Fenton
sponsor: U.S. Committee for Human Rights in North Korea and DLA Piper(미국 북한인권위원회와 디엘에이 파이퍼 변호사협회 주관)

Tuesday, April 24
9:30-11:30 am Panel: INFORMATION IS POWER: The Future of Radio Broadcasting Into North Korea (정보가 힘이다: 대북방송의 장래)
location: Freedom House Ballroom, 1319 18th Street, NW, Washington, D.C.(Dupont Circle Metro—Southside)
organizer: Jessica Barnes
sponsors: Freedom House, Broadcasting Board of Governors and Free North Korea Radio. (프리덤 하우스와 자유북한방송 주관)

12:00 noon VIP Ribbon Cutting Ceremony: North Korea Genocide Exhibit(김정일의 대학살 전시회 개막식 모임)
location: Ebenezer's Coffeehouse, 201 F Street, NE near Union Station
organizers: Sin U Nam, Moon Gook Han, Nathan Hill
sponsor: International Coalition to Save the North Korean Slaves

3-5 pm Panel to discuss "Who's Afraid of North Korean Collapse?"(북한정권의 붕괴를 누가 두려워 하는가?) – 미국기업 연구소 주관
location: American Enterprise Institute, 1150 Seventeenth Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036
organizer: Nicholas Eberstadt, Chris Griffin
sponsor: American Enterprise Institute

Wednesday, April 25
Time TBA Congressional Hearing on China’s Treatment of North Korean Refugees and Humanitarian Workers chaired by Congressman Tom Lantos (탈북난민과 인권운동가들에 대한 중국정부의 탄압 실태: 미연방하원 인권위원회 – 톰 랜토스 위원장 주관)
sponsor: Congressional Human Rights Caucus

Thursday, April 26
3-5 pm Panel on Religious Persecution in North Korea, followed by a reception
location: The National Press Club, 529 14th Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20045
Holeman Lounge, Reception following in 1st Amendment Room
Please RSVP your name, title, organization by Apr 13 to lindsayv@odusa.org
organizer: Lindsay Vessey
sponsor: Open Doors (북한정권의 종교탄압 – 오픈 도어스 주관 – 내셔널 프레스 클럽 토론후 리셉션이 있음)

Friday, April 27
12:00 Noon Capitol Hill Lunch Forum with All Visiting North Korean Defectors
location: B-339 Rayburn House Office Building, Capitol Hill, Washington, D.C.
Please RVSP (Required) by COB Apr 26 to skswm@aol.com (Lunch included at $30)
organizer: Suzanne Scholte
sponsor: Defense Forum Foundation (방미 탈북자 대표들 환영 오찬회 – 레이번 국회하원건물 – 디펜스 포럼 수잔 숄티 주관)

7 pm Special Prayer Service for North Korea and the North Korean Defectors
location: The Falls Church, 115 East Fairfax Street, Falls Church, VA
organizer: Pastor Heemoon Lee and NKFC
sponsor: North Korea Freedom Coalition (북한과 탈북자들을 위한 기도회 – 이희문 목사, 북한자유연대 주관)

Saturday, April 28 (North Korea Freedom Day Anniversary!)
11:30 am Music, Program starts at 12:00 noon International Protest Against China's Violent Treatment of North Korean Refugees (북한자유의 날 기념행사 – 탈북난민강제북송 국제항의시위 – 북한자유연대 주관 – 워싱턴 중국대사관 앞에서 열림)
location: Embassy of the People’s Republic of China, 2300 Connecticut Avenue, N.W., Washington, DC
and their PRC embassies and consulates around the world
city and country organizers, so far: PSALT (New York/New Jersey), Gail Beilitz (Houston), Lindsay Vessey and Tom Byun (Los Angeles), Paul Davis (Chicago); Sin U Nam, Jeff Park, James Ham, Pastor Heemoon Lee, Suzanne Scholte (Washington, D.C.), Marianne Bruning and Annechien Weening (Netherlands); Willie Fautre (Brussels), Abraham Lee and Peter Jung (Seoul)....
sponsor: North Korea Freedom Coalition

Also Requested But Not Yet Set: Congressional hearing on DPRK illicit activities including drugs, counterfeiting, abductions, etc.
좋아하는 회원 : 1

신고 0  게시물신고
  • 돌쇠 2007-04-08 04:56:45
    돌쇠님에 의해 삭제되었습니다(2007-04-18 22:51)
    좋아요 한 회원 0 좋아요 답변 삭제
  • 청진 2007-04-08 07:23:37
    그래도 할수 있는 일은 해야 된다고 봅니다.이것은 소용이 없어 안되고 저것은 마음에 안들어 못하면 도대체 우리가 할일이 무엇이겠습니까
    그리고 북한 인권 문제 등 북한관련 행사들은 탈북자들에만 한한 문제가 아닙니다. 이런 저런 계기를 마련해 북한관련 행사들을 통하여 북한 인권문제등 북한 실태를 한사람이라도 더 알고 동조하도록 하는일도 우리가 해야 되는 일이라고 생각합니다
    좋아요 한 회원 0 좋아요 답변 삭제
  • 남신우 2007-04-08 20:34:46
    남신우님에 의해 삭제되었습니다(2007-04-08 20:35)
    좋아요 한 회원 0 좋아요 답변 삭제
로그인   회원가입
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