

Pray for your good health and happiness!
Korea, Republic o 김영현 0 370 2012-01-08 17:47:20


 Thanks a lot for sparing your precious time for this unworthly and a world mere low-educated innocent/one. And this world innocent is always trying to be here with all of you, where are you fighting for changing the puppet military regime, in order to help all your precious northern borthers enjoy the sense of democracy and liberty/freedom of this 21st century. Needless to say, the year of Dragon, 2012 must be in the centre of nuding the two koreas' long-running feud and hostile policies which were being operated by the 3kims' dynastic military regime's one-sided hostile and destructive or provocative ways/pathes.


 This disinterested and ordianry world innocent/one urges the two koreas, particularly, North korea to surrender all north koreans those all's lifelong-vested rights to "Our", "their", my precious north koreans and set all north korean political prisoners free right away without any kinds of pre-conditions or delay and hesitations. If this world innocent/one were norh korea's demoniator, he/this world one would sacrifice himself for all north koreans' happiness and great democratic nation and have their north korea assume responsibility for having the three powers of administration, juridiction, and legislation are subjected to be independent of each other.


 Always you do attend your precious health and smile in toward this international society! Good luck!

                            2012. 01. 08. in downtown Seoul and Sokcho

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  • park5286 ip1 2012-01-08 22:09:54
    와라 디즈? 아엠 베리비지 엔 아이 포갓 잉그리.
    좋아요 한 회원 0 좋아요 답변
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